TB can be spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes or even speaks. 结核病可以在感染人群咳嗽、打喷嚏甚至说话时通过空气传播。
Diseases spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby. 细菌能通过很多途径传播,一个被传染的人咳嗽或者打喷嚏,然后传染给附近的人。
Diagnosis of acute infection is often missed because the infected person has no symtoms. 由于被感染者无症状,对急性感染经常无法及时确诊。
Yaws is transmitted mainly through direct skin contact with an infected person. 雅司病主要通过与受感染者的直接皮肤接触进行传播;
Malaria parasites multiply rapidly in the liver and then in red blood cells of the infected person. 疟原虫在肝脏和随后在被感染者的红血球中迅速繁殖。
The virus spreads through the air when an infected person expels air suddenly. 当感染者急促地排出气体时病毒通过空气传播。
An infected person may have fever and headaches with the first attack which usually lasts for two to four weeks. 受感染者可能有发烧、头痛的一次进攻中,通常为期二至四个星期。
When an infected person coughs, infected droplets get into the air and another person can breath them in and be exposed. 当已感染者咳嗽时,被感染的飞沫进入空气,另一个人就可将其吸入并接触病毒。
It is less commonly transmitted through sex with an infected person and sharing of personal items contaminated with infectious blood. 通过与受感染者发生性接触和共享被污染的个人物品传播则不那么常见。
I am just a vast sea of faces were insignificant, but I will use my actions around the infected person. 我只是茫茫人海中微不足道的一个,但我会用行动感染我周围的人。
HCV is transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person. 丙肝病毒通过接触受感染者的血液传播。
Bacteria present in the faeces of an infected person are the main source of contamination. 存在于受感染者粪便中的杆菌是主要污染源。
Eventually, the immune system becomes so weak that the infected person can become sick very easily, and even common illnesses like the flu can be quite serious. 最终,免疫系统变得相当脆弱,被感染的人就很容易生病,即使是最平常的病,比如流感,也会变得非常严重。
Hepatitis C is not spread through breastmilk, food or water or by casual contact such as hugging, kissing and sharing food or drinks with an infected person. 丙肝不会通过母乳、食品或水传播,也不会通过与被感染者拥抱、接吻以及分享食品和饮料等偶然接触传播。
Is different in the ordinary computer virus, its infected person is not the computer system, but is the human who contacts the computer. 不同于普通的电脑病毒,它的感染者不是电脑系统,而是接触电脑的人。
Hepatitis B virus is transmitted between people by contact with the blood or other body fluids ( i.e.semen and vaginal fluid) of an infected person. 乙肝病毒通过血液或其它体液(如精子、阴道分沁物等)传播,其传播方式和爱丝病类似。
Secondary transmission is human-to-human, resulting from close contact with infected respiratory tract excretions, with the skin lesions of an infected person or with recently contaminated objects. 继发性感染是人传人方式,因密切接触了受到感染的呼吸道分泌物、感染者的皮肤损伤处或者最近污染过的物品而造成。
During that time, the infected person can infect others without knowing it. 在那段时间,被感染者可能并不知道自己会感染别人。
Not every infected person will complete the performance of the emergence of four, but each disease stage of patients in clinical practice can all see. 不是每个感染者都会完整的出现四期表现,但每个疾病阶段的患者在临床上都可以见到。
Mosquitoes generally acquire the virus while feeding on the blood of an infected person. 蚊子通常在吸食被感染人血液时获得病毒。
Mosquitoes pick up the malaria parasite by sucking blood from an infected person. 蚊子在从感染了疟疾的人身上吸血时吸入了寄生的疟原虫。
Hepatitis B virus is transmitted by contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person – the same way as the human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV). 乙型肝炎病毒通过与受感染者的血液或体液接触传播&与人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的方式相同。
It seems that close contact with an infected person, or contact with exhaled droplets and bodily secretions, even after they have been deposited on objects such as door handles, can spread the virus. 近距离接触病人,或者接触呼出的飞沫和身体分泌物(即便他们是残留在门把等物体上的)都会传播病毒。
Transmission of HIV always involves exposure to body fluids from an infected person. 感染HIV总是与接触一个受到感染的人的体液有关。
Usually they are in school will launch a campaign against discrimination and AIDS science, will regularly go to Beijing You'an Hospital and the exchange where the infected person. 平时他们在学校会开展反歧视和艾滋病科普宣传活动,也会定期去北京佑安医院和那里的感染者进行交流。
Survey of nutrition knowledge, attitude and eating behavior of AIDS infected person/ patients in Fuyang City 阜阳市艾滋病感染者/病人的营养知识、态度及饮食行为调查
And it is not unusual for an infected person to have more than one Guinea worm. 通常患者体中有不止一条几内亚蠕虫。
The fight against malaria has two main targets: the falciparum parasite itself, and the anopheles mosquito that carries the parasite from infected person to new victim. 对抗疟疾有两个重要的目标:一是寄生虫本身,另外是疟蚊把感染了疟疾的病人身上的寄生虫带到新的受害人身上。
In particular, they say, two changes to the structure of E1 could make the virus more likely to enter mosquito cells and replicate after the insect has fed on the blood of an infected person. 特别地,他们说E1(基因所表达的蛋白质)结构上的两处突变,可能让这种病毒更容易在蚊子吸食了被感染者的血液之后,进入蚊子的细胞,并进行复制。